Allegheny & Bald Eagle Ridges (Pennsylvania)
April - May, September - November

The Allengheny & Bald Eagle Ridges, affectionately known by glider pilots as "The Ridge", are part of an Appalachian range that stretches with only a few gaps from central Pennsylvania to near Knoxville, Tennessee. This unique formation which provides excellent conditions for ridge soaring but also for thermal and wave flights has yielded many world records in the 70's and 80's. Although the emphasis of world record flights has now shifted to more exotic locations, the Ridge with its easy access from Central Canada continues to be one of North America's premier soaring locations.
Although there is no formal camp, pilots from several Canadian clubs located in Southern Ontario frequent this excellent soaring location. The two most popular airports to launch from to fly The Ridge are Ridge Soaring Gliderport and Mifflin Airport.
To see flights originating from Mifflin, click here.
To see flights originating from Ridge Soaring Gliderport, click here.