ABC & Bronze Badges
The ABC and Bronze Badges are the first badges that a glider pilot will work towards during his or her soaring career. These badges are intended to be the "training badges" that a pilot would earn prior to tackling the internationally recognized FAI badges. These badges focus on the basics of soaring flight required to successfully take on the FAI badges.
A Badge
Awarded by the pilot's club following the completion of a successful solo flight
B Badge
Awarded by the pilot's club following the completion of 30 minutes of soaring flight after release.
C Badge
Awarded by the national association following the completion of a 1 hour soaring flight after release and 2 hours total solo flight time.
Bronze Badge
The Bronze Badge is a stepping stone to cross-country flying and completion of the Bronze Badge is typically part of a club's minimum requirements for cross-country. In additional to having a certain amount of flight time, there are several other requirements that must be fulfilled, including off-field landing planning and exercises, map reading practice, rigging/derigging and spot landings. Click here to download a document that gives a full account of the requirements for the Bronze Badge.