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pdf Chics Take Flight Press Release Populaires

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Chics_Take_Flight_press_release__3 [Cherie].pdf

pdf COPA Soaring Insert Populaires

Par 4650 téléchargements

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pdf Insurance 101 Populaires

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pdf Insurance 101 Populaires

Par 3585 téléchargements

An excellent overview of the SAC Insurance Plan.

pdf OLC 2023 New Features Article by JS Populaires

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OLC 2023 New Features _ Article JS.pdf

Joerg Stieber summarizes some of the new features to the OLC flight scoring platform.

spreadsheet SAC 2013 Membership List Template Populaires

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SAC 2013 Membership List Template.xls

pdf SAC Insurance Presentation - 2007 Populaires

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pdf Soaring - November 2024 - Alcor Story

Par 21 téléchargements

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Alcor story in Nov 24 Soaring.pdf

Attached is the article Tony Burton wrote for the November 2024 issue of Soaring magazine about flying the ALCOR for the Chinook Wave Project. The text is somewhat modified for the US readers from what appeared in Stalking the Mountain Wave.

- Tony Burton

archive TP NB2010 Populaires

Par 2905 téléchargements

pdf VSA Youth Bursary Ad Populaires

Par 3598 téléchargements

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VSA bursary info sheet for public.pdf