folder Badges

Badge application forms and information relevant to badge flying


pdf Badge Application from December 2023 Populaires

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Badge form Mar 2023.pdf

Please consider submitting badge claims first using the SAC Badge Application Form.

The official 2023 application form for the soaring badges of the Soaring Association of Canada.

Replacing December 2022 application form.

pdf Bronze Badge Information & Checklist Populaires

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SAC Bronze badge form - 2024.pdf

Available from the Soaring Association of Canada, awarded by clubs to pilots completing the requirements, the Bronze badge reflects the continuous development of a pilot’s skills after licensing. The Bronze Badge is the required entry level for beginner cross-country clinics run by provincial associations and by the Canadian Advanced Soaring Association.

Updated October 2024 by Tony Burton.

pdf What To Do After You Get Your License Populaires

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Sky is no limit.pdf

This document contains a flowchart to help you visualize the multiple routes that you could take in pursuing the gliding experience to the fullest, from starting as a student pilot through to participating in international competitions, and all of the waystations in between.