Flarm Firmware Updates
A mandatory scheduled firmware update is soon the be made available to all FLARM devices. The new firmware will have version 6.00.The update is required for all Classic FLARM devices, all 3rd party FLARM devices (as manufactured by e.g. Ediatec, Flytec/Bräuniger, LX, Garrecht/AirAvionics and OzFlarm), and all PowerFLARM devices.
The update will be released for free by end of February 2015 on this website. The update includes safety features that will increase the effectiveness and robustness of collision warnings and simultaneously decrease nuisance warnings. The update also includes new features to warn about temporary danger areas (sky diver drop zones, RC flyer zones, etc.). The system for obstacle databases has also been redesigned to be able to handle additional obstacle areas. All old obstacle database files will need to be either deleted or replaced. New obstacle databases, as well as extension licenses, can be purchased on shop.flarm.com.
This scheduled update has been announced with the last major firmware update in 2011, and has been part of the FLARM safety concept since FLARM was invented in 2004.
If a FLARM device is not updated, the device will no longer be operational and stop to work as of April 1, 2015. Every FLARM device must always be updated to the latest firmware version at least once per calendar year, as part of the aircraft maintenance program. Failure to do so may render the device inoperable.
More information will be available on the FLARM website at the beginning of February.