President & Eastern Zone Director
Sylvain Bourque

Sylvain Bourque is the Eastern Zone Director since 2005, VP from 2006 to 2009, and President since 2010.
Sylvain first flew a glider in 1994 with AVV Champlain, involved as instructor, tow pilot and with the treasury. He also holds a CPL-A IFR and an advanced drone pilot certificate with a flight reviewer rating. He also is an aeronautical radio examiner and an authorized person for glider licensing. He is proud to be part of this board which has such a wide variety of backgrounds and a huge involvement in the soaring community.
Eastern Ontario Zone Director & Vice President
George Domaradzki

Eastern Ontario Zone Director since 2014 and Vice-President since 2016
George has been flying gliders since 1998 and is an instructor since 2004. He is currently president and, until recently, was Chief Flight Instructor of Rideau Valley Soaring. He also coordinates the Ottawa area glider pilot ground school and has given theoretical lessons. George is the proud owner of an ASW-20 that he flies whenever he is not scheduled for instruction. George has been retired since 2013, enabling him to carry out more flying and instruction during the weekdays. George has been actively promoting gliding in the Ottawa area and is pleased to see a steady increase in membership at Rideau Valley Soaring.
Alberta Zone Director
Pavan Kumar
Alberta Zone Director since 2019 and SAC Secretary
Pavan first came to soaring as a tow pilot for the Saskatoon Soaring Club in 2011. He was lured into a glider when SSC acquired an L-23 Super Blanik then completed the flight instructor training with John Toles via simulator. After a season of instructing moved to Lethbridge, Alberta in fall 2013 where he was the first CFI of the newly formed Lethbridge Soaring Club for seven years. In 2021 Pavan joined the Edmonton Soaring Club where he completed the Glider Aerobatic Instructor rating with Gary Hill. He currently owns a DG400 in which he completed a Diamond badge in the Columbia Valley with Tim Wood in 2014. Pavan tasted his first contest in 2022 and plans to fly cross-country and aerobatics in the coming 2023 season.