Soaring Association of Canada 2020 Annual General Meeting

Dear Soaring Friends,

The Soaring Association of Canada 2020 Annual General Meeting will be held at the date and time as per the formal Notice of Meeting:

    Soaring Association of Canada 2020 Annual General Meeting:

Date:        Saturday, March 21, 2020 Time:        10:30 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time


The AGM will now be held by teleconference.

  • Information for teleconference participation (link, system, process) will be provided to each Member Club later this week.
  • Each Member Club is encouraged to participate in the meeting, by having a club representative join the teleconference.
  • Those clubs which will not participate are requested to assign their proxies to a teleconference participant (Zone Directors are available to carry proxies).
  • Participants will be encouraged to dial in to the teleconference 15 minutes ahead of the formal meeting start time, to ensure things can proceed smoothly.
  • There is some limited capacity for additional Canadian soaring community members to participate, in addition to the one designated representative for each Member club.  If there are others who wish to participate, please communicate that to your Zone Directors, who can then share the requisite information.

The Awards Luncheon and Safety Seminar remain cancelled.

The SAC 2019 Annual Reports package will be posted to the SAC website immediately prior to the meeting, although it will remain 'draft' until acceptance during the meeting of the 2019 Financial Report and 2020 Budget.

The SAC Board regrets losing the opportunity for direct interaction with our membership.  Be safe out there!

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